Member Benefits
Members in good standing (current on club dues) are entitled to the following:
- Reduced costs for rat show entries.
- 10% discount on club merchandise.
- Members 13 and older have the right to vote at club meetings.
- Members at least 18 years of age may hold an office.
Membership Types:
- $15.00 - Individual Membership (For members 13 and older)
- $5.00 - Junior Membership (for members 12 and under - no voting privileges)
- $25.00 - Family Membership – Membership for two! (Example: Spouses or Parent/Child)
- $5.00 - Additional Family Member (13 and older) Only applies with a family membership.
- $2.00 - Additional Family Member (12 and younger) Only applies with a family membership.
Ways to Apply:
Rene White is our membership secretary.
Email them at with questions.